Announcement : 

For the safety of our students WYKEHAM PLACE is BLOCKED OFF … No School Parking on Wykeham at all.   Please use surrounding streets to park. Please park safely and avoid parking across driveways.  Thank you.                                   Thursday 20th March – Whole School Triathlon                     Thursday 27th March – Colour Run 5pm                        Thursday 27th March – COL Sports Day                           Friday 11th April –  Last Day of Term 1 (School finishes at 3pm)                               Monday 28th April – First day of Term 2

Before and Afterschool Care – Te Tiaki o mua me muri o te kura

Parents who require before-school, after-school or a Holiday programme need to contact Kidsklub who run their programmes for our children at Glenfield Primary.

They operate a pick up and drop off service for before-school and after-school only.

If you require further details phone 027 284 5375 or visit the website

Kidz club